My name is Peg Malloy, and I have been the Executive Director of the Portland Housing Center since our founding in 1991. I’m starting this blog to share my perspective and insights about what is going on at the Portland Housing Center, as well as in the housing industry. I pride myself on being a strategic thinker, who likes to think about `what if` and then try new approaches. I am fascinated by ideas and always looking for connections to help find the best way to run the Portland Housing Center so it has the greatest impact. I love to travel. In 2007, I went to Rwanda and met with women leaders to learn more about leadership. Fifty-six percent of the Rwanda Parliament are women. Time away from work is mostly spent reading, gardening and with friends. What I most like to read are stories of home buyers who never thought they could own a home and now do.
To learn more about the Portland Housing Center and the work that we do, visit our website at